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How to set On-Click Action for a menu item

Each menu item can be configured to perform certain action when clicked upon.

Menu On-Click Action

RAPID Platform allows 9 types of on-click actions for menu items. These are:

  1. Open a hyperlink
  2. Open App
  3. Perform Remote Action
  4. Raise Create Webhook Action
  5. Raise Workflow Created Signal
  6. Update Items
  7. SendGrid Email
  8. Open in Fly-out
  9. Execute Workflow Process

Click on each of the above links to learn more.

It is important to note that the valid on click actions changes depending on the context of the menu button, whether the menu button is associated with a Data table or if it is used in configuring sidebars.

On-Click Actions Available for a Side Bar Menu Buttons

Side bar menu buttons do not have the context of the table or the item on which they are placed. As such some of the on click actions are not valid on a side bar menu. Below is a list of the valid on-click actions on side-bar menu items:

  1. Open Hyperlink
  2. Open App
  3. Perform Remote Action (With limited functionality)
  4. SendGrid Email
  5. Open in Fly-out

On-Click Actions Available for Command Bar Menu Buttons

All on-click actions are available for table menu buttons with full functionality. The reason is that the additional functionality refers to interactions with the table or items within the table that the menu button is triggered from. See the individual on-click action pages to see how the functionality differs between the two types.

  1. Open Hyperlink
  2. Open App
  3. Perform Remote Action
  4. Raise Workflow Created Signal
  5. Update Items
  6. SendGrid Email
  7. Open in Fly-out
  8. Execute Workflow Process